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Classes at Jellypose are very relaxed and everyone is welcome. Classes are baby led so if your baby needs anything during a session, please feel free to stop to attend to them. If your baby is upset, uncomfortable, hungry or tired, you should stop the massage or yoga.  You could simply watch for a while or practise on a doll and then join in again later if baby is happy to do so. Babies' needs come first.


All resources are disinfected between classes so you can relax knowing that everything for your child is safe and clean.


There is further information below about the classes and what to expect there. You can book on any of the classes here too. Simply click on Book Now and it will take you to the booking page.


If you are not sure which course is for you and your child, contact me to discuss and answer your questions.


Gift vouchers are available and can be used to purchase any of the Jellypose classes, courses or gifts.


Please contact us if you have any questions.

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Baby Massage

Baby massage classes include singing and sensory play.


Suitable from birth to crawling.


Kid Piling Blocks

Sing and Play

Sessions start with singing nursery rhymes together as we play along with some musical instruments. Each week is based around a theme, or story and may include some dressing up or props. Themes are published in advance so if you or your child want to dress up, feel free to do so - but you don't have to.

A great way to learn and socialise.


Exercising with Baby

Baby Yoga

Yoga inspired gentle moves for carer with baby.

A fun class that includes singing and sensory play.


Suitable from 8 weeks until mobile.


Please note that mum (if attending) and baby must have had their post natal checks before their first class. Grown ups should not participate for 12 weeks following a c-section, or within the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.



Reading Ragamuffins

A group session that is suitable for approx 2-4 years where a love of reading for pleasure is encouraged, early reading and writing skills are developed.



Children in Yoga Class

Children's Yoga

Classes are taught in an age appropriate way, introducing poses, breathing, relaxation and mindful activities.


Toddlers 18 months to children aged 11 years


Other Events

Yoga Holiday Clubs for primary school children.


Jellypose visits schools and nurseries for one off special events or regular slots.


How about a yoga birthday party?


Private sessions for baby massage or yoga, are also available.


Contact Jellypose to discuss.





Baby Massage

Baby massage is suitable from birth to crawling. It is an ancient tradition practised in many cultures around the world. It is a lovely way to bond with benefits for both the baby and the caregiver. Baby massage can help with minor ailments such as colic, trapped wind and constipation. It can also help to alleviate symptoms of post natal depression. Baby massage promotes positive touch and interaction and releases happy hormones for both. At baby massage classes you will learn massage strokes for each area of the body over the course of 4 weeks, focusing on one area per week and finishing with a full body massage in the final week.

Natural, cold pressed, organic oil, as recommended by the Association of Infant Massage, is provided for you to use following a patch test and as long as your baby is at least 4 - 6 weeks old, to allow for the development of skin layers.

Aromatherapy oils must NOT be used.

As well as massage, we will also sing nursery rhymes during the session which also releases happy hormones. Singing with your child has many benefits such as increasing bonding, developing language and communication, brain development, spatial awareness, maths and rhythm.

There will also be an opportunity for sensory play, and of course for everyone to chat and socialise.



Yoga has many benefits such as a healthier body including building strength and endurance and increasing flexibility. Yoga can be a great cross trainer for those who participate in other sports. It also helps with the development of gross and fine motor skills. But it is not just our physical bodies that benefit from regular yoga practise.


Yoga helps us learn how to control stress and anxiety by teaching us how to relax through breathing. Yoga helps us to focus our minds so helping our concentration. It encourages patience and mindfulness. Yoga boosts self-esteem by making us feel good about our bodies and what they can do. There is no competition in a yoga studio so everyone feels good about their achievements. Yoga helps us to focus our minds so helping our concentration. 


The philosophy of yoga teaches moral behaviour towards ourselves and others, looking after ourselves and others, being respectful and grateful.


Over time and practise, yoga helps us to understand ourselves, connect with others and appreciate the greater world around us.


Yoga with children is practised in a fun and relaxed way through story, magic adventures and games. Lessons incorporate mindful activities and breathing techniques as well as yoga poses.




Sing and Play

Our playtimes are relaxed and fun giving grown ups, and children, a chance to unwind and socialise. Children of course will be exploring, learning and developing as they explore a variety of tactile and hands on activities to stimulate their senses, such as puppets and soft toys, messy play, arts and crafts, soft play, puzzles, stories, role play and props, music and lights.


Sessions begin with nursery rhymes and actions - this develops language and supports brain development. We play with musical instruments to stimulate our listening sense whilst developing our fine and gross motor skills.  Listening carefully to sounds prepares for learning to read as this is the early stages of phonics.


Sessions are themed around a story or a special event or day, such as Valentine's Day.  Activities are planned to allow exploration and development within the seven areas of learning that are set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.

These are:

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts


Sessions finish with a drink and a snack.


Sing and Play at Jellypose are suitable from birth to 4 years.


Reading Ragamuffins


An exciting new class for children aged about 2 - 4 years with the aim of  developing literacy skills and encouraging a love of reading for pleasure.


The National Literacy Trust say, "Lacking vital literacy skills holds a person back at every stage of their life."

Furthermore their research has found that,  "children who enjoy reading and writing are happier with their lives and are 3 times more likely to have good mental wellbeing than children who don't enjoy it." (


At Reading Ragamuffins we explore sounds and the early stage of phonics. We read stories and rhymes together. Children are able to choose activities as a follow up, to enhance their learning and understanding, for example, through mark making, art and small world play. Activities will support the development of fine and gross motor skills.


These sessions are planned around the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Whilst primarily focusing on literacy other areas of the framework will also be included.  The areas of the framework are: 

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts


Sessions finish with a story and a snack.


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